SKU: 116765-FT
2 In Stock
Rail buffs recognize Penn Central (PC) as the failed attempt to combine three traditional corporate rivals (Pennsylvania, New York Central and New York, New Haven and Hartford railroads) united by large-scale service to the Northeast and Midwest USA, in efforts to remain viable under post-war Railroad regulations and modern shipping via our American highway system. The PC operated from 1968 to 1976 when it's assets were nationalized into to the government-owned Consolidated Rail (CONRAIL) along with the other bankrupt Northeastern roads. Here's two Cylindrical Hoppers from Penn Central's heyday!
Due to many early mergers of RR Companys, ACF Industries is represented in most States of the Northern USA, east of the Mississippi River. They are responsible for many innovative Freight and Passenger cars used in modern railroading.
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